Our E-Commerce & Database Development Portfolio
From web design & development, to e-commerce & databases to Graphic & logo design
Having a strong design & development background gives us the edge when it comes to designing and building your new website. Add to that our easy-to-use back-end systems to allow you to manage and maintain your site.
A large, comprehensive and well established medical practice management system
You Are Served
A legal document system to save on sending legal letters to your debtors
Five Star Plastics
Web portal linked to retail outlets supplying plastic products, full quoting system
Warehouse deals
Warehouse excess stock clearance, full e-commerce system with Credit Card Gateway
Warehouse deals
Warehouse excess stock clearance, full e-commerce system with Credit Card Gateway
My Appointment
Comprehensive online appointment booking system for businesses and public to book appointments.
A comprehensive directory and booking system for music teachers and students.
Aircon Experts
A Real-Time quoting system to get accurate online quotes for the airconditioning industry.
My Career My Life
A youth information portal specislising in career growth and assessments for grade 8 to career.
What our clients say
I would highly recommend Redi Internet Service. Their service is always conducted professionally and always helpful. Hosting of Websites, Database info, Videos on Products & all related features. - Heincke @ Aircon Experts